Hello Dear Family & Friends –

Well, Michael and I are on the road again.  This time to India.  Yup, India.  I continue to tell him it is “The Trip of A Lifetime”, although I just decided we were going 10 days ago.  We will be gone a month, returning just in time for Thanksgiving with family. We hope to stay in touch – with a solid commitment from each of you that if we disappear you will all head to our last known destination and seek us out. So, why India? Why Now?   I have shared with some of you that I have had a great fear since I was about 5 years old of contracting leprosy and dying a slow and horrid death, with body parts falling off at the most unexpected and least opportune times (not sure when a good time would be actually). I trace this horrific fear to seeing Ben Hur as a little girl and having a ‘pit of lepers’ rotting away before my very eyes. If you have seen the movie, you know exactly what I mean. But I digress…..About 3 weeks ago, there was a news story reporting an outbreak of leprosy in the US with a young girl dying.  Well, that was all I needed to hear. The disease is coming after me obviously,  and anything left on my bucket list best be embraced pronto. Thus, India with very little planning….


Our wonderful friend Jillian will be posting for us as we move through our journey – Michael and I hope you will enjoy this great adventure right along with us.  Jillian will be sharing our itinerary with you over the next few days.  With her assistance, we will be sharing on our WordPress blog, Instagram account, and you are able to email any correspondence to us at KellyFamTravels@gmail.com.  Also, if you notice someone not included, please add them via the Gmail account.  Jill will update the listing.

We are very excited.  Michael is looking forward to dressing “like he belongs”. I am fearful that means a turban and those pointy, jewel encrusted slippers.  I’ll keep you posted.

Until we meet again, Namaste.