We toured Bombay (Mumbai) yesterday.  We had a driver and a guide.  The guide was a woman – smart, articulate, educated and self-confident.  We were stuck in traffic.  What do you expect in a city with a reported 24M people occupying 2/3 the land mass of New York City.  Suddenly two women were at the windshield blocking the car.  Our normally unflappable guide turned frightened and fidgety and began speaking Hindi to the driver.  The women were clearly confronting.  One of the women made her way to the guides window. They muttered to each other.  Our guide rolled her window down only an inch – passed her money and quickly rolled up the window .  The women then allowed us to pass.

I asked what that was about and our guide said the two women were transgender and they are powerful in India ( I could not tell they were transgender – I just thought they had on too much makeup). When they ask for $$ you must give it to them or risk being cursed.  They asked for money. She went on to explain that somehow the transgenders know when babies are born and they show up at the houses and ask for $$$ in exchange for a blessing.  Somehow they are very powerful spiritual beings in India.  Caitlyn Jenner is in the wrong country.

*Written by: Michael Kelly