The Number 108 runs through many aspects of the Hindu (and other Eastern philosophies and religions).  Why, I wondered?…

  • Within each 12 hour period we breathe 10800 times. This allows us to dedicate this breath to recite our mantra (prayer or jap) 10800 times. To master this dedication will  provide 100% benefit from your daily prayer.
  • The Mala, or prayer beads used for devotion, include 108 beads, one bead for each mantra or prayer, plus one ‘guru bead’ around which the rest turn as the sun to planets.
Mala, or prayer beads used for devotion, have 108 beads.
  • Feelings:  it is believed there are 108 feelings – 36 related to the past; 36 to the present and 36 related to the future
  • Astrology: 12 houses and 9 planets – 12×9=108
  • Vedic masters view 108 as representing the wholeness of existence. The distance from both the sun and moon to the earth is 108 times their diameter.
  • There are 108 pithas (or sacred sites) throughout India
  • Lord Krishna had 108 gopikas (female cow herders) who followed him with unconditional devotion.
  • there are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, each with a masculine and feminine – Shiva and Shakti =108
  • There are 108 Hindu deities, each with 108 names
Ganesha, one of the Hindu gods, is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts & sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom.
  • There are 108 paths to God
  • There are 108 lines connecting to the Heart Chakra
  • Lord Shiva took human form to marry Maa Shakti due to her beauty. Sati’s father humiliated Lord Shiva, and Sati became so despondent she fell into the fire. Lord Shiva reached into the pyre to pull his beloved out and as they rose to heaven she broke into pieces and fell to earth – 108 pieces.
  • 108 – God or Higher Truth (1). Emptiness or Completeness in spiritual practice (0) and infinity or Eternity (8 ~ infinity sign)
  • Another definition of 108 = *Just one thing (1) * No thing (0) *  All things (8)   108

I like this meaning. I hope you do too.


*Written by Susan Kelly